Our Little Outdoor Classroom has produced a policy to ensure that only members of staff that have undergone appropriate checks can work with the children within the classroom. This is to ensure the safety and protection of all children attending the classroom.
All members of staff have received the appropriate training and are confident at identifying and dealing with any child protection issues. All members of staff will be kept up-to-date on any changes to the policy.
The following procedures have been put in place for all members of staff to follow:
If any suspected abuse or non-accidental injury or neglect is observed/disclosed by a child then these concerns must be reported to the Child Protection Officer/Manager.
Any disclosure made by a child must be documented immediately in the child’s own words together with the exact words used by the member of staff, with the date and time of the disclosure recorded.
Members of staff should not ask the child any questions
The Child Protection Officer/Manager will liaise and decide what action to take.
These notes must be kept confidential and only shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.
Depending on the cause of concern the Child Protection Officer/Manager may inform the parents.
The Social Work Department may be contacted as stated in the Children’s (Scotland) Act 1995 guidelines.
All disclosures from parents to staff are confidential, however if something is disclosed that could cause harm to a child, the member of staff must report it. The parent should be made aware that the information may be disclosed to the relevant agencies.
Parents must notify the classroom if their child is going to be absent for a session. If this doesn’t occur the manager will attempt to contact the parents to make enquiries.
Child Protection information will be available to all staff in the office and any changes in child protection will be shared amongst staff. School Visits
During school visits it is the responsibility of the teacher(s) leading the visit to undertake all child protection matters. Members of ‘classroom’ staff will follow Our Little Outdoor Classroom’s Child Protection Policy, however it is the responsibility of the teacher to inform the relevant agencies and complete any paperwork.
Useful Numbers
Call the Police on 999 if you are concerned about a child and believe they are at immediate risk or harm
Call the Police on 101 if you are concerned about a child who is not at immediate risk or harm
During the day:
Social Work (Stirling Council): Initial Assessment Team 01786 471 177
Health: Contact GP or Local Health Centre Killearn Health Centre 01360 550 339