/Finding childcare during the holiday periods can be difficult for families, specifically finding clubs that are open early in the morning till late in the evening. Our Little Outdoor Classroom & Daycare has a holiday club for children aged between 3 and 12 years. The opening hours are 7:30am to 6:00pm.
Children registered in the Out of School care will automatically be offered a place in the Holiday Club, if they require it, however this service is available to anyone, whether you need it on a regular basisor just a day here-and-there. For more information contact Susie.
Activities The Holiday Club will be organised so that children are kept entertained with a variety of different activities, whether it's sports, outdoor play, crafts, decorating or reading, there will be activities for all children and all age groups to get involved in. We will also have outside agencies visiting the Classroom to offer workshops, classes and events for the children. The following activities are examples of some of things on offer during the Holiday Club:
Playing in the garden - basketball, football, climbing frame, swings, sandpit, mud kitchen etc
Playing indoors - crafts, play doh, lego, games, puzzles and much more.
Attending to the animals - handling them, feeding and watering them
Baking - bread, cakes, muffins etc
Reading - variety of books and magazines
Outside activities - Zest Fitness, Sport Squad etc
Walks, park visits, treasure hunts, den building, scavenger hunts
Outdoor Games - Red Rover, Rounders, Catch the Flag etc.
Day trips - Briarlands Farm, Blair Drummond Safari and much more
Holiday Dates 2020/21
Our Little Outdoor Classroom will be open throughout the following holidays and in-service days. October Holidays - Monday 12th to Friday 24th October Christmas Holidays - CLOSED (re-open Monday 18th January subject to Covid-19 guidance) February Holiday - Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February Spring Holidays - Monday 5th April to Friday 16th April May Day Bank Holiday - Monday 3rd May In-Service Day - Thursday 6th May Summer Holidays - Monday 28th June to Tuesday 17th August
Example Holiday Timetable
There will be a wide variety of activities for children to enjoy at the Classroom. Each week there will be one Outdoor Day and one Themed Day. Both the Outdoor Day and Themed Day will alternate each week to allow all children the opportunity to take part.
During the Outdoor Day children will be outside immediately after Drop-off and Breakfast and we will be outside all day until the children are collected (between 4:30pm and 6:00pm we will be outdoors in the Classroom to allow for pick up). During these days suitable outdoor clothing must be provided as well as a change of clothing.
Our Themed Days will vary each week, incorporating themed activities, arts and crafts and maybe even a themed movie/programme to wind down in the afternoon.
The Summer Camp is for children aged between 3 and 12 years. Children of all ages will take part in the same activities but, if necessary, the tasks might be differentiated to suit the different ages.
Meals and snacks are all provided in the cost of the Summer Camp. There is a wide variety of options available and we aim to cater for children with specific dietary requirements. Below is an example menu.