Our Little Outdoor Classroom is committed to helping the environment through our day-to-day activities. It is important that all members of staff and children that attend the classroom have an understanding and awareness of the effect that our actions have on the environment and the actions that we can adopt to help ensure we look after our planet.
Aims and Objectives
Our Little Outdoor Classroom has adopted the ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’ approach to helping the environment and the way we will do it is to Reduce, Re-use and Recycle, where possible.
Switch off lights in rooms that are not in use
Turn off taps when they are no longer needed
Reduce the amount of waste we produce by careful planning and monitoring.
Encourage children to use both sides of paper whenever possible
Email parents and encourage parents to check social media and websites for important updates/information.
Non-reusable plastics will not be used in the ‘classroom’ unless there are no suitable alternatives or they can be fully recycled.
Left over fruit and vegetables will be put into the compost bins in the outdoor classroom or in the brown bins.
Garden waste will also go into the compost bins or the brown bins for collection.
All types of paper will be reused in the classroom whenever possible.
Paper recycling bins will be provided in the inside and outside classroom
Shredding of confidential documents will carried out and the remains will be recycled
Plastics, cans, cardboard and glass will be assorted and recycled in accordance with Stirling Council bin collections.